50 Best Low-Cost Business Ideas in India | 2024



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50 Best Low-Cost Business Ideas in India | 2024

Low-Cost Business Ideas

With the development over the years, the need for individuals to own businesses has grown. The latest or trending toast in such scenarios is low-budget business ideas, especially when in an economy that remains too unpredictable and everyone is mulling over financial self-dependence. Here are 50 best low cost businesses ideas OR thebest small business ideas in India to consider as a new entrepreneur for 2024.

Definition and Features of Low-Cost Model Businesses

Businesses that can be started with a few thousand to a few lakh rupees are low-cost. The following are the features of low-cost businesses:

  1. Low overhead costs
  2. Minimal infrastructure investment
  3. Can be based at home or does not require any bigger area for operation
  4. Scalability
  5. Operational flexibility
  6. Digital platform and technology dependent.

Benefits of Low-Investment Businesses

  1. Low financial risk: If the venture fails, there is less potential financial loss from the low initial investment.
  2. Reduced costs allow for a faster break-even.
  3. Flexibility: Starting a low-cost venture many times still allows the entrepreneur to keep their day job.
  4. In the case their initial concept doesn’t work, they’re just better at changing the direction without the financial pain.
  5. Learning opportunity: To begin with, these businesses provide a good platform for starting an entrepreneurial career without or with a nominal level of risk attached to it.
  6. Work-life balance: Many low-cost businesses can be started from home, and thus may end up being a great way of achieving an ideal work-life balance.

Key Factors to Be Considered Before Starting a Business

A few key factors are very crucial and should be considered before commencing any business:

1. Market research:

  • Who is your target audience?
  • What is the competition in the market?
  •  Market demand and trends
  •  Pricing Strategies

2. Competencies and Capabilities:

  • Identify personal competency applied in developing venture idea
  • Identify gaps in skills and consider improvement plans
  • Assess available resources such as time, money, equipment
  • Access to additional resources
  • Potential partners/ collaborators

3. Legal and Regulatory Requirements:

  • Licenses and permits
  • Tax requirements
  • Familiarize yourself with industry-specific regulations

4. Business plan:

  • Develop a clear business model
  • Set realistic goals and milestones
  • Create a basic financial projection

Suggested Read: Pro tips to create a small business budget

5. Marketing strategy:

  • Determine your unique selling proposition
  • Plan your marketing channels and tactics
  • Budget for marketing activities

List of Low-Cost Business Ideas in India

A vibrant economy like India’s opens up huge entrepreneurial opportunities for all who aspire. Here’s a list of 50 sustainable business ideas which is a mix of four major categories, namely, businesses that can be operated from home, home businesses for women, student-friendly businesses, and common business ideas.

 The scope of each business idea is comprehensive, incorporating details about the requisites of skill and tools for busting the business plan, apart from the estimation of the profit associated with starting up the business.

10 Businesses Which Are Work From Home

1. Blogging

Low-Cost Business Ideas
Low-Cost Business Ideas

Start a blog in a particular niche. It is this business that has come to gain massive traction lately, largely due to the increased demand for content online by various industries.

You can specialize in such niches as technology, health, finance, or lifestyle depending on their target audience fitting into the scenarios. Research to ensure there’s an audience interested in your niche.

Choose a memorable domain name, and theme for it. Write high-quality, engaging, and informative posts regularly. Use SEO techniques to optimize your content with content marketing strategies for search engines. Share your posts on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. It is a easy option. Hence, this becomes one viable and potentially high-paying option for work-at-home parents.

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Excellent writer and editor
  • SEO techniques
  • Knowledge on content management systems

How to get started:

  • Establish a professional writing portfolio
  • Establish a website or blog
  • Can work on freelancing sites such as Upwork, Fiverr.com

Profit Margin: This can be in the range of 30-50% if you belong to the right domain along with an appropriate client base

2. Virtual Assistant Services

With the increase in remote work opportunities in India, this is something that has gained much popularity in recent times. Under virtual assistant services, you will offer technical, administrative, or creative assistance to your customers by working on your own at home. 

Can undoubtedly attract many entrepreneurs due to the flexible nature and low start-up costs. The tasks here could be anything from email handling to appointments, data entry, social media handling, and customer support. From a small startup to a big corporate house, the demand for virtual assistants is there, and growth opportunities are a lot. 

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Great communication and organization skills
  • Proficiency in common office software
  • Computer and internet connection

How to get started:

  • Determine what you are specialized in
  • Portfolio preparation
  • Start joining freelancing sites or start sending prospective clients your proposal

Profit Margin: 40-60% of the overall pay out

3. Online Tutoring

Low-Cost Business Ideas
Low-Cost Business Ideas

As we see, online tutoring is one of the emerging businesses in India that is a good career not only for part-time earners but can be done by any individual at any age, and is more flexible. 

These knowledge and teaching skills can be monetized into online tutoring, whereby students can improve their grades or learn new skills. You work from home and during hours convenient to you and achieve a wider coverage than you ever could through face-to-face tutoring. 

With the importance and utility of education and skill building ever increasing in India.

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Expertise in the area of study.
  • Ability to teach and communicate effectively
  • Good internet connectivity and video conferencing tools

How to get started:

  • Determine your area of study and the group of students you would like to tutor
  • Build a course document or an outline of the lessons
  • Sign up for online tutoring platforms or get a website

Profit Margin: 50-70%

4. Content Writing

Low-Cost Business Ideas
Low-Cost Business Ideas

Content writing services have risen to be integral for businesses to have an online presence, and with it, work-from-home opportunities for connoisseur writers. As a content writer, you will be required to create different types of written material, such as blog posts, articles, website copy, social media content, and marketing materials. 

This is a type of business that is low-cost in its launching but lets one offer writing and creativity skills in favor of a multitude of clients in a variety of other businesses. 

There is high demand for quality, compelling content that is on the rise. This is since businesses are trying to build up an online presence and their marketing endeavors. 

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Writing and editing skills 
  • Knowledge of basic 
  • SEO Computer and word processing software 

How to get started:

  • Gather writing samples
  • Register on freelance writers platforms
  • Network and reach out to your potential clients or agencies

Profit margin: 50-70%

5. Graphic Design Service

Graphic designing services offer a creative and very lucrative work-from-home business model from India.

As a graphic designer, you would be responsible for creating visual elements in forms such as logos, branding materials, social media posts, and marketing channels. This business allows your digital tools to unite your creative capabilities and meet the constantly increasing demand for visual content in the digital era.

 Since businesses of all scales have come to recognize the power of good visual branding, there is always a demand for great graphic designers. 

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Knowledge of graphic designing software such as Adobe Creative Suite 
  • Creativity 
  • Excellent visual communication skills 

How to get started:

  • Build a portfolio online to display best works.
  • Register on freelance websites and designing groups 
  • Reach out to new clients or collaborate with marketing agencies 

Profit margin: 50-70%

6. Social Media Management Description

Social media management has become very key for businesses to establish and maintain their online presence, creating one of the great work-from-home opportunities in India. 

As a social media manager, you will be responsible for creating and curating content; engaging with followers to increase a brand’s social media presence; and devising strategies for this goal across several platforms. 

It has a low capital outlay, and one only needs to be creative, have good communication skills, and be able to keep up with and maintain recent social media trends. 

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Deep knowledge of different social media outlets 
  • Content generating and writing skills 
  • Social Media Management Tools, Analytics Software

How to get started:

  • Build our own social media presence to showcase expertise
  • Build a portfolio of sample social media strategies and content
  • Pitch to local businesses or sign up to freelancing websites

Profit margin – 40-60%

7. Online Fitness Coaching

Low-Cost Business Ideas
Low-Cost Business Ideas

Online fitness coaching is commanding the big leagues in India now after the COVID-19 pandemic. It can be taken as a very potential work-from-home business idea.

An online fitness coach, guiding personalized workout routines, nutritional advice, motivation, and support to the people, for the goal of achieving health and fitness.

With this kind of business, you can now put much more of your expertise and enthusiasm for fitness to work assisting numbers of people than what standard, in-person training sessions would allow.

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Fitness certification and knowledge of exercise science 
  • Good communication and motivational skills
  • Video conferencing tools and fitness tracking apps 

How to get started:

  • Get the necessary fitness certifications.
  • Develop an online coaching program and the methodology that you want to follow.
  • Get the social media profiles and website ready to showcase services and the methods that you will have to use.

Profit Margin: 50-70%

8. Freelance Web Development

Freelance web development is a good work-from-home business in India. An increasing demand is sourced for professional websites across industries.

As an independent web developer, you can design, create, and manage websites for customers ranging from small businesses to large corporate companies.

In this business, you get to leverage your coding skills and creativity to develop functional and good-looking online platforms. With the growing online market, the demand for web developers is increasing too.

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Web programming languages, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Web design basics
  • Computer with development software and tools needed

How to get started:

  • Develop a collection of your works based on your web development projects
  • Create profiles on freelancing/developer community websites
  • Socializing with probable clients or tying up with design agencies

Profit Margin: 50-70%

9. Online Language Teaching

It is one of the prime culprits of online work from home business opportunities in India, where one can adequately practice to tutee online varying languages to students around the globe. 

The job responsibility of an online language tutor is to conduct online classes, plan lessons, supply the budding learner with interactive exercises and conversational classes so that their abilities get polished. 

This business model will help you make use of your language background and teaching skills to tap into a global market, all from the comfort of your home.

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Mastery of the language that will be taught.
  • Teaching certification (e.g., TEFL for English teachers)
  • Steady Internet connection and video conferencing software. 

How to get started:

  • Obtain the necessary language training certificates
  • Plan how you will teach the language and Write a couple of lesson plans.
  • Subscribe to online language learning websites or design a website suitable for working from home.

Profit Margin: 50-70%

10. Digital Marketing Services

Low-Cost Business Ideas
Low-Cost Business Ideas

Digital marketing services is one of the most versatile and easiest high-income work from home business idea in India. As a digital marketer, you will help businesses enhance their online presence, target market, and strive to meet their marketing objectives using all sorts of digital channels. 

This business will allow one to use their marketing skills and online platforms to implement strategic programs with clients. 

In the presence of increasing demand from businesses of all sizes for digital marketing, it remains sure that there will be constant demand for professionals skilled in this area.

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Knowledge of digital marketing channels and strategies
  • Analytical skills and familiarity with marketing analytics tools 
  • Computer with necessary marketing software and tools 

How to get started:

  • Hone your digital marketing skills through courses and certifications 
  • Develop a portfolio showcasing your marketing campaigns and results 
  • Start with local businesses, or find freelancing opportunities through freelancing websites.

Profit Margin: 40-60%

10 Women Centric Business ideas:

1. Customized Jewelry Venture

The handmade jewelry business, therefore, is a very good business opportunity where Indian women can marry creativity with profits. Following is the business line related to making different jewelry using the beads, metal, stones, and even recycled stuff.

The aesthetics behind handmade jewelry are always unique, lending a personal touch to it, hence different from those in bulk production. With the growing demand for sustainable products and a trend towards handmade or artisanal products, the consumer market for handmade jewelry is growing by leaps and bounds.

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Creativity and skills in jewelry making
  • Know-how about different materials and techniques
  • Tools and materials for making different kinds of jewelry 

How to get started:

  • Learn various jewelry-making techniques from courses or tutorials 
  • Design some sample pieces that reflect your individual style 
  • Either open an online store, or sell through craft fairs and exhibitions 

Profit Margin: 50-70%

2. Beauty and Wellness Services

Low-Cost Business Ideas
Low-Cost Business Ideas

The beauty and wellness sector in India provides ample business opportunities for women, especially considering the increasing demand for personal care services. The activities may entail hairstyling, makeup artistry, skincare treatments, nail care, and spa therapies, among others.

The beauty and wellness industry has been rising in recent times, with an evident increase in awareness towards self-care and grooming. Establishing this business in cities will be very likely to increase exposure.

Being a beauty and wellness entrepreneur gives one the option to specialize in certain services or cater to all services.

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Professional training in the field of chosen services.
  • Skincare and beauty products
  • Equipment and Supplies to perform beauty

How to get started:

  • Order certifications to perform beauty services
  •  Home-Based Shop or Mobile Beauty Services
  • Attract customers through recommendations and Instagram

Profit Margin: 40 – 60%

3. On-Demand Tailoring and Mending

Custom tailoring and alterations offer a lucrative business opportunity for women by tapping into the large number of people seeking custom alterations in India, with its rich history in textiles. 

This involves producing made-to-measure garments and altering existing ones so that they perfectly fit the client. Thereby, custom tailoring services are rapidly gaining popularity among customers looking for alternatives to mass-manufactured clothes as interest in sustainable fashion and unique, well-fitting attire continues to rise.

As a bespoke tailor, you will work one-on-one with clients to bring their visions of clothing to life.

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Sewing and garment construction skills
  • Knowledge of fabric types and garment patterns
  • Sewing machine, measuring tools, other tailoring equipment

How to get started:

  • Take courses or work as an apprentice to improve upon your tailoring skills
  • Create a portfolio that captures your work, including prior alterations done before and after

Profit Margin: 50-70% 

4. Homemade Food and Catering Services

Low-Cost Business Ideas

Homemade food and catering services present women entrepreneurs in India a golden opportunity to harness the bundle of rich culinary traditions which the country possesses and the rising demand for authentic, home-cooked meals. 

The business revolves around preparation and sale of any eatable – be it a daily tiffin service or heavy catering during events.

With growing awareness concerning healthy and good quality food, the majority of consumers now prefer to eat at home instead of eating in restaurants.

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Cooking skills and knowledge of proper food safety measures
  • Menu planning and portion controlling skills
  • Equipments in the kitchen and food packages anything

How to get started:

  • Develop a menu comprising of your unique items and specialties
  • Obtain all the relevant food safety certifications and licenses required
  • Start as a small-time tiffin service or catering for small events.

Profit Margin: 30-50% 

5. Online Boutique

An online boutique offers the most promising business opportunity for Indian women, reflecting a fusion of fashion retailing and the convenience that is related to e-commerce. It is a platform to sell a handpicked collection of clothing, accessories, and lifestyle products through an online site.

Online boutiques have emerged rapidly as the alternative to the prevalent retail shop in magnitude related to the increasing trend of online shopping and significantly rising demand for exclusivity and trendiness.

Skills required and tools needed:

  •  Knowledgeable about prevailing fashion trends
  •  Basic e-commerce skills and digital marketing know-how
  •  Dependable e-commerce platform and inventory management system

How to get started:

  •  Define what niche your boutique will operate in and who it will be serving.
  • Find product suppliers:  Wholesalers and Designers
  • Online Store Setup and Marketing Strategy

Profit Margin: 40-60% 

6. Event Planning and Management

Event Planning and Management offer one of the most enticing Business Opportunities for Women in India as it plays perfectly to the weakness of India – their love for celebration and get-togethers. 

This business takes care of all right from conceptualizing to the execution of the events, be it a wedding or any corporate function, social gathering, or festival celebration. 

Then, as a planner, you are directly collaborating with your client to turn their vision and ideas into tangible events that would be successful, from the aspects of the venue, decoration, catering, entertainment, and various other minor details. 

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Organization and communication
  • Creativity along with problems solving
  • Event planning software and project management tools

How to get started:

  • Gain experience through event planning for friends and family
  • Create a portfolio of your event planning projects
  • Network with vendors and potential clients

Profit Margin: 30-50%

7. Handmade Crafts and Home Decor

Low-Cost Business Ideas

Offering handmade crafts and home decor is a creative business for Indian housewives. Nowadays, a large section of society is willing to pay more for handcrafted home decor than run-of-the-mill machine-made Room decor stuff.

This business is about the production and selling of all types of craft, including pottery, textiles, wall art, and decorative accessories. Handmade craft has become trendy, and any client looking to put an extra touch in their living areas will opt for it. 

In crafts, there are endless crafting prospects using different crafting methods and materials, both traditional and contemporary, and eco-friendly, so on.

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Creativity and designing skills
  • Tools and craft supplies for a medium you choose

How to get started:

  • Enhance your craft skills – take short-term workshops and keep practicing
  • Design a line of sample products to showcase your creativity
  • Open an online store or visit exhibitions and fairs

Profit Margin: 50 – 70%

8. Personal Styling and Image Consulting

It allows Indian women to really cash in on personal styling and image consulting through a real business opportunity, as personal branding and professional appearance create growing consciousness. 

It is about providing the necessary guidance and support to a person to develop his or her personal style, wardrobe, and overall image to realize the vision of the type of lifestyle and career goals they have set for themselves. 

Lastly, with increasing competitiveness for jobs and the effect of social media on personal presentation, there is always a higher demand for professional image consultants. 

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Good sense of style and principles of fashion
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
  • Color analysis tools; style assessment resources

How to get started:

  • Get a certification in personal styling or image consulting
  • Build a personal brand; a philosophy of styling
  • Free Styling Sessions for Portfolio Building

Profit Margin: 50-70%

9. Pet Care Services

Low-Cost Business Ideas

Pet Care services, with the growing pet culture in India, the identical demand for professional care is on the rise. Through different scopes like pet sitting, dog walking, and grooming and training, women can look at providing Pet care services. 

With a growing proportion of families in the city keeping pets and treating them more like family members, the need for more dependable and compassionate pet care specialists has reached unprecedented levels. 

As a pet care entrepreneur, you will be charged with the responsibility of providing personalized attention and care to private animal friends in a bid to keep them living healthily and happily.

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Animal care and behaviour knowledge
  • Patience and compassion for working with animals
  • Basic pet care supplies and dog grooming tools

How to get started:

  • Take care of the pets of friends and family to better understand the job.
  • Try to get certificates in the pet caring and animal handling field.
  •  To begin with, start offering pet sitting or dog walking services.

Profit Margin: 40-60%

10. Eco-friendly Products and Services

Eco-friendly Products and Services is an emerging business opportunity in the business service sector. The world is becoming more inclined towards saving the earth. The products are essential to maintain a better environment; the demand is high. 

It is a business enterprise whose design, sourcing, or promotion of products and services contribute minimally to environmental degradation while promoting sustainable living.

With increasing awareness of the impacts of climate change and other environmental concerns, green alternatives for everyday products are sought by consumers daily. 

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Knowledge of sustainable materials and practices
  • Product development and research skills
  • Eco-friendly packaging and marketing material

How to get started:

  • Research and identify eco-friendly opportunities for your products in your area.
  • Decide on or find sustainable products to sell that will fulfill your vision.
  • Online storefront or tie-up with eco-friendly retailers

Profit Margin: 40-60%

10 Businesses Students Can Do:

1. Academic Tutoring Services

This business opportunity is such a great platform because students can use their own academic strengths to lift other students and help them become better performers. 

This business simply involves conducting one-on-one or small group tutoring classes in a particular subject or for specific standardized test preparation.

 Competition in academics is increasing, and so is the requirement for personalized learning support; hence, the need for tutors has always been felt. 

Skills required and tools needed:

  • A strong academic background in the subjects of preference
  • Patience and clarity of explanation
  • Teaching materials and basic teaching aids

How to get started:

  • Identify the subjects you are good at and comfortable teaching
  • Design study plans and teaching materials for your tutorials
  • Advertise your tutorial services in your school, college, or within your respective communities

Profit Margin: 70-80%

2. Social Media Management of Local Businesses

Low-Cost Business Ideas

The second side gig option on this list is social media management of local businesses. It is developing and managing social media content, follower engagement, and implementation of strategies that would help improve and increase the online presence of small local businesses because, for the most part, small business owners do not have the time or skills to execute or manage their social media effectively. This service is in demand for lower-cost social media management. 

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Knowledge of different social media platforms
  • Basic graphic design and content creation
  • Social media schedule and analytic tools.

How to get started:

  • Establish your personal social media accounts so that others can get to know what you are capable of.
  • Create a sample social media post and content portfolio
  • Pitch to small firms or do freelancing

Profit Margin: 50-70%

3. Content Writing Freelance

Content writing as a low-cost business ideas freelance business is quite flexible to indulge in and also very much rewarding to any student with good writing skills. A content writing freelance business is where one writes all kinds of written content online, from blog posts to articles, website content, and social media content, for clients both in the sector and out of the sector. 

As content marketing is gaining importance, it gives businesses of all sizes an avenue to look for good written information with which it can relate to its audience and increase its brand presence over the internet. 

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Excellent writing and editing skills 
  • Research abilities and attention to detail
  • Computer with word processing software

How to get started:

  • Create a portfolio of writing samples in different styles
  • Create accounts on freelance writing or content marketplace platforms
  • Email and pitch local businesses, or online publications

Profit Margin: 60-80%

4. Event Photography

Event photography is one of the most promising business opportunities for students who love to capture moments and for those students who have an eye for visual aesthetics. 

It includes moments from weddings, birthdays, corporate functions, college festivals—you name it—with an assurance to the client of high-resolution images in their hands to relive their moments. 

The demand for event photographers, probably professional, is rising as content triggers routine in social media webbing and personal branding.

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Proficiency in photography and editing software
  • Strong sense of composition
  • High-quality camera, lenses, and basic lighting equipment

How to get started:

  • You should practice taking pictures and learn from tutorials that can be found online.
  • You can start gaining experience and building a portfolio, or start by taking photos at friends’ or family’s events.
  • You often need a brave social media face to show off your best pictures and attract potential clients.

Profit Margin: 50-70%

5. Website Design and Development

For students who are tech-savvy and good at coding and design, the chances to venture into doing the business of designing and developing websites are quite good. The business itself involves developing and maintaining websites for clients running from microlocal businesses up to start-ups and personal brands.

The current trend in business where businesses are moving online to increase their customer numbers has made the demand for professional yet affordable website services very high.

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Levels of knowledge on HTML
  • CSS, and JavaScript 
  • Web design principles and user experience 

How to get started:

  • Learn web development through online courses or boot camps.
  • Develop a portfolio website to showcase your skills and projects
  • Sell your service to local businesses or join freelancing websites like Fiverr

Profit Margin: 60-80%

6. Personal Fitness Training

Personal fitness training is a good business if you are a student and, above all, are quite conscious of being healthy. Design customized workout plans and motivate your client regarding proper nutrition advice to keep focused on the desired result for being in desired shape.

Increase in awareness regarding the importance of physical health raises demands for accessible and affordable fitness training. For a student personal trainer, you could work at various clientele with different levels of being in shape, improving strength, endurance, general well-being, etc.

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Basic knowledge in the field of exercise science and nutrition principles.
  • Certification in Personal Training (can be got while studying)
  • Basic Fitness Equipment and Tracking Tools 

How to get started:

  • Obtain a legitimate personal training certification
  • Craft a bunch of workout plans that cater to varying fitness levels
  • Start training friends or campus mates and get some experience and word of mouth under your belt

Profit Margin: 60-80%

7. Graphic Design Services

It is another one of the best low-cost business ideas. Students, who wish to hustle their artistic and creative brains, should check out these business opportunities a graphic designing service business can offer them.

The business involves creating visuals for various uses —stationery, logos, branding material, social media assets, even billboard signages. As a student graphic designer: You’ll contribute to many projects as a graphic design student, helping others to communicate their message well with the use of visual elements.

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Basic knowledge in the field of exercise science and nutrition principles.
  • Certification in Personal Training (can be got while studying)
  • Basic Fitness Equipment and Tracking Tools 

How to get started:

  • Obtain a legitimate personal training certification
  • Craft a bunch of workout plans that cater to varying fitness levels
  • Start training friends or campus mates and get some experience and word of mouth under your belt

Profit Margin: 60-80%

8. Virtual Assistant Services:

It is such an organized and flexible business opportunity for tech-savvy students. This business involves providing administrative, technical, or creative support services to clients remotely for the purpose of high competent workload management. 

There is an increased demand for cheaper virtual assistant services at a time of increasing remote work needs. In this position, you will be undertaking a range of activities, including email management, scheduling, data entry, social media management, and very light customer service.

Skills required and tools needed:

  •  Organizational and time management skills
  • Proficient in common office software and digital tools
  • Reliable Internet and computer 

How to get started:

  • Determine the Virtual Assistant Services You Could Effectively Offer
  • Professional Profile to Show your Skills and Availability 

Profit Margin: 60-70%

9. Handmade and Crafted Products

The business entails designing and making some distinct items, like jewelry, accessories, home decors, or artworks, etc., and selling the products through a variety of ways. With the increasing value for artisanal products and individualization, the demand for unique handmade products also records steady growth. It could be best low-cost business ideas for you.

In this student entrepreneurship endeavor, one can explore all forms of ways of doing crafts and working with different materials so long as it will result in a product that provides a gauge on his personal style and creativity.

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Mastery of the chosen craft techniques
  • Creativity and detail orientation
  • Basic tools and crafting supplies

How to get started:

  • Sharpen your crafting skills by creating several sample products 
  • Launch an online store on Etsy or Instagram
  • Selling at local craft fairs or on campus events 

Profit Margin: 50-70%

10. Mobile App Development

Low-Cost Business Ideas

Mobile app development is a high-growth business that presents a very convenient opportunity for students with talent and programming skills. It mainly specializes in creating phone-based applications for work, games, social networking, and e-commerce apps.

With millions of smartphone users and a rapidly increasing dependence on mobile apps to carry out everyday activities, the need for fresh applications that are user-friendly is always there. The kind of experience you shall gain while developing apps in high school is overwhelming. 

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Proficiency in mobile app development languages (e.g., Java, Swift, React Native)
  • Understanding of user interface design principles
  • Mobile app development software and testing devices

How to get started:

  • Learn mobile app development through online courses or bootcamps 
  • Develop some sample apps to showcase your skills
  • Offer your services on freelance platforms or develop your own app ideas 

Profit Margin: 70-90%

20 Common Business Ideas

1. Online Reselling

An initiative like this has become the most favored and achievable business model for millions of people in India. An excellent opportunity for entrepreneurs to cash in on the boom of e-commerce without investing much in inventory. 

Lately, as the internet and smartphone penetration has been increasing, more and more consumers are switching towards online shopping for the sake of convenience and variety. 

As an online reseller, you are the intermediary between supplier and final customer. You have to curate products, list inventories, and perform your front-line customer service.

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Ability to carry out market research and trend analysis
  • Basic knowledge of e-commerce and digital marketing platforms
  • Smartphone/laptop with an internet connection

How to get started:

  • Research on popular products and probable suppliers.
  • Get a selling account on some of the popular online e-commerce sites like Amazon or Flipkart. 
  • Start with a small inventory and scale it up with the performance.

Profit Margin: 20-40%

2. Food Truck Business

Low-Cost Business Ideas

The food truck has emerged as a very fast-growing trend in India, which illustrates the concept of dynamic and relatively inexpensive entry vehicle for food service business.

The idea of the mobile food service involves the preparation and sale of food from a vehicle fitted with cooking facilities. Food trucks can sell many types of foods, and they may be located on a busy street corner or serve attendees at events or festivals.

The flexibility provided by this arrangement allows individuals to experiment with menu choices and locations.

Skills required and tools needed:

  • Food prep skills and food handler’s certification
  • General business skills and CS skills
  • Food truck—cooking equipment and proper licensing

How to get started:

  • Menu conceptualize and recipe testing
  • Source and equip the best possible vehicle for serving food
  • Source all licenses and permits for vending from a vehicle.

Profit Margin: 30 – 50%

3. Dropshipping Business

Low-Cost Business Ideas

Dropshipping has proven as the most recognized e-commerce business model that one can venture into in India. This is an online store, coupled with a relationship with suppliers who individually store the products and ship them directly to customers.

When someone orders, you buy it from the best dropshipping supplier India, who then ships it to the customer. It is an excellent low-cost entry method to use in e-commerce since it does not need any upfront inventory investment and warehouse space.

Required skills and tools:

  • E-commerce platform management 
  • Digital marketing and SEO
  • Computer and reliable internet How to get started

How to get started:

  • Research on a potentially profitable niche and possible suppliers.
  • Put up your e-commerce store using platforms like Shopify and Shopify alternatives India , Woocommerce
  • Establish relations with dropshipping suppliers and list their products.

Profit Margin: 20-30% 

World Best Business Opportunity in Network Marketing

4. Digital Marketing Agency

Establishing a digital marketing agency is a very lucrative opportunity in the growing digital landscape in India. Offer an array of such services online with the intention of helping clients better their online presence to achieve their targets.

 These will also include services for social media management, search engine optimization, content marketing, pay-per-click marketing, and email marketing. In view of this, and with companies of all sizes appreciating the place that digital marketing occupies today.

Required skills and tools:

  • In depth knowledge and holistic approach to all the digital marketing channels
  • Analytical skills and knowhow related to marketing analytics tools
  • Project management and skills related to client relationships.

How to get started:

  • Train and become adept in areas of heavy focus in digital marketing through specialization 
  • Make a portfolio: run digital marketing for small businesses or non-profits
  • Create a website outlining your services and case studies

Profit Margin: 30-50%

5. Yoga and Fitness Studio

With enhanced health and wellness consciousness amongst the people, the idea of opening a yoga and fitness studio is really taken off as a popular business venture in India. The company offers room, directions, and practice for an extensive variety of yoga styles and fitness classes that fit every need, fitness level, and age arena.

 Yoga studios support this dimension of holistic health, and as approaches to stress reduction, they become something that offers more than strictly physical exercise with components of the mindful and spiritual nature.

Required skills and tools:

  • Yoga teaching certificate and familiarity with the different types of yoga
  • Business management and marketing skills
  • Spacious studio and necessities of a yoga and fitness studio equipment

How to get started:

  • Gain necessary yoga teaching certificates
  • Acquire suitable space and equip that space with the necessary equipment

Profit Margin: 30-50%

6. Home Cleaning Services

A very practical and highly Low-Cost Business Ideas in India, the country caters to the ever-increasing demand from city households and working professionals. This business requires providing professional cleaning and housekeeping services to the clients at home at regular intervals or on an ad-hoc basis. 

Coupled with the rising number of dual-income households and an increased awareness of the need for a clean living environment, the demand for efficient and reliable home cleaning services has grown exponentially. 

Required skills and tools:

  • Cleaning techniques and safety measures
  • Good management and customer service skills
  • Cleaning tools and equipment

How to get started:

  • There can be built a line of cleaning services to meet every all types of demand:
  •  A team of professional cleaners may be recruited and properly trained.
  • A website can help run advertising projects in the most targeted way.

Profit Margin: 30-50%

7. Making Online Courses

Online course creation has evolved into a growing business in India, which is being made possible by the increased demand for accessible and flexible education. 

Creating and monetising online courses that have been prepared digitally can relate to any topic such as academic subjects like mathematics, science, or languages, and even professional ones that relate to skill development and self-improvement topics. 

As online learning acceptance rises, so does the demand for continuous skill up-gradation, leading to a huge potential market for quality, niche online courses.

Required skills and tools:

  • You will need knowledge in your field of expertise 
  • You should have basic course-creating skills
  • You will need an online course platform or learning management system

How to get started:

  • Identify your area of expertise or what you are passionate about that you think you could make a course about
  • Create a pilot course to test your material
  • Choose and online platform and get started marketing your course 

Profit Margin: 30-50%

8. Pet-grooming services

It appears to be a vibrant Low-Cost Business Ideas in India, with this industry growing at par with the increasing trend of keeping pets and the rapidly growing consciousness of proper pet care. 

It is a business providing professional pet grooming that involves bathing, hair cutting, nail trimming, and all other sorts of beautification services for pets. The idea is that these days, people have begun thinking about pets as part of the family, so owners do not mind spending on the looks and cleanliness of the pets.

Required skills and tools:

  • Professional training as a Pet Groomer and certification
  • Variety of breeds and their specific grooming care
  • Pet-Safe grooming equipment and products

How to get started:

  • Become a Registered Professional Pet Groomer
  • Setup Grooming Station with necessary equipment
  • Offer your services to friends and family first to gather clients

Profit Margin: 40-60%

9. Freelance Writing and Content Creation

Freelance writing and content creation are among the best small business ideas. can prove flexible and potentially very lucrative business opportunities in India’s growing digital economy. This business means rendering a range of writing services, whether it be blog posts, articles, website copy, social media content, or even e-books/whitepapers. 

The importance of marketing in content in businesses has nowadays harangued the presence of strongly skillful writers in the quest for quality content. As a freelance writer, you are going to work on many and diversely interesting projects and change your writing towards the audience and area of expertise. 

Required skills and tools:

  • Fast writing and editing skills
  • Agile ways of working, researching, and adapting the writing style
  • Computer with word editing software and fast internet

How to get started:

  • Prepare samples of the style of writing and build a portfolio
  • Open accounts in the freelance writing websites
  • Pitch with potential customers or Content houses

Profit Margin: 60-80%

10. Mobile Car Wash and Detailing

Low-Cost Business Ideas

Mobile carwash and detailing offer very Low-Cost Business Ideas. It would target the people who think every minute is precious and are ready to give utmost care to their car’s outlook. This is a professional cleaning and detailing business for personal cars where the service is provided at the customer’s residence or workplace. 

As the number of car owners and the overall awareness concerning the importance of correctly maintaining the vehicles continue to increase, the demand for an excellent quality car maintenance time-saver will be on the ever-increasing path. 

Required skills and tools:

  • Skill in cleaning and detailing automobiles,
  • customer service skills, 
  • time management
  • Mobile car wash equipment
  • Eco-friendly cleaning supplies

How to get started:

  • Take some courses or undergo an apprenticeship to learn professional techniques of detailing cars
  • Invest in some basic mobile car wash equipment
  • Design packages for the service; start marketing to local car owners

Profit Margin: 40-60%

11. Custom Gift Shop

Based on the increasingly popular trend in India for highly customized and unique gift items, this opportunity represents a Low-Cost Business Ideas with attractive revenue prospects. This is a business in which a person designs and sells customizable gifts based on occasions such as birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, or corporate events. 

Since people are growingly looking for those presents that carry meaning and could be personalized according to tastes, the market for gifts of this kind is quite large. You will assist customers in the personalization of items using a variety of materials and techniques as a gift shop owner. 

Required skills and tools:

  • Functional creativity and design awareness
  • Personalization equipment, such as an engraving machine, 
  • heat press. 

How to get started:

  • Design a line of products for gifts that can be customized
  • Design a workshop with necessary machinery to personalise
  • Create an online presence and start marketing your unique gift offerings

Profit Margin: 40-60%

12. Virtual Event Planning

And here comes the new Low-Cost Business Ideas in the country, which is a non-event, but it also encompasses virtual event planning in India. Businesses in organizing and managing different kinds of events online that may include webinars, virtual conferences, online workshops, and digital experiences, among many other types of online experiences. 

With increasing realization dawning upon businesses and organizations around the world about the cost-beneficial and high-reach parameters attached to virtual events, the demand is really high for professionals who can craft engagements and smooth online experiences.

Skills and tools required:

  • Excellent project management and technical skills
  • Multi-virtual event platforms
  • Marketing and audience engagement strategies

How to get started:

  • Familiarize yourself with some of the popular virtual event platforms
  • Create a suite of virtual event packages
  • Start hosting some small online events to begin building up your portfolio

Profit Margin: 30-50%

13. Digital Product Creation

Digital product creation is a scalable and potentially Low-Cost Business Idea in India’s growing digital economy. It is the process of developing digital items such as e-books, templates, stock photos, music, software, or digital art and selling them to consumers at a price. 

The potential market for such products is huge, with the increasing number of people going online to get resources and tools they require in their lives, each one representing a person in plenty of niches. 

Become a digital product creator, utilize your hard-earned skills, and experience in creating invaluable assets which can be resold as many times as possible.

Skills and tools required:

  • Deep knowledge of your digital product’s general field
  • Create content with basic graphic design skills
  • Platforms for delivering digital products and enabling e-commerce

How to get started:

  • Identify the area of your expertise and potential ideas on digital products.
  • Create a prototype to test the market demand
  • Open an e-outlet or start selling it on other websites

Profit Margin: 70-90%

14. Eco-Friendly Product Manufacturing

In India, manufacturing environmentally friendly products is the right business with a timely social commitment in line with increasing global interest in environmental sustainability and resource conservation. 

It is an industry that will create, make, and sell items made from sustainable resources or through environmentally friendly processes. People choose an array of eco-friendly alternatives because of the boiling issue of climate change and the plastic debate among day-to-day products. 

So, you, as an eco-friendly product manufacturer, will devise innovative solutions to meet the needs of daily consumers.

Skills and tools required:

  •  Knowledge of sustainable materials and manufacturing process
  • Skills in designing and developing a product
  • Machinery for eco-friendly production 

How to get started:

  • Locate eco-friendly materials and do research on the possibilities of products under an eco-friendly category. 
  • Prepare prototypes of sustainable products. 
  • Set up a small production space and market your eco-friendly line.

Profit Margin: 30-50%

15. Waste Management and Recycling Services

Low-Cost Business Ideas

A waste management and recycling service comes among the best business opportunities that exist in India to counter the increasing need for proper waste disposal and conservation related to the environment. 

The business of collecting, sorting, and processing every kind of waste to recycle or dispose of properly is what this business is all about. These growing urbanizations and increasing awareness for the environment create boundless demand for professional waste management solutions.

Skills and tools required:

  • Understanding of the regulations concerning waste management and recycling
  •  Concept of the regulations regarding waste management and recycling
  • Ability in logistics and operations management

How to get started:

  • Get to know the local needs and how legislation is drafted in the country on waste management.
  • Develop a well thought out plan on waste collection and recycling.
  • Initiate with small-scale collection services and scale up the operations

Profit Margin: 20-40%

16. Vertical Farming

Vertical farming is one such new-age agribusiness concept in India, which by tapping into the scarcity of arable land and food security in urban areas, offers a vast market size to business individuals. This business involves the practice of growing crops on vertically stacked layers. 

Usually, such crops are grown indoors within a controlled environment using techniques like hydroponics or aeroponics. Within the growing nexus of urbanization and the desire to augment food production sustainably, vertical farming allows production space for fresh, localized produce all year round.

Skills and tools required:

  •  Know-how about hydroponic or aeroponic growing techniques
  •  Knowledge on plant science and crop management
  •  Equipment used in vertical farming

How to get started:

  • Acquaint oneself with vertical farming technologies and suitable crops
  • Test and refine the farm systems on a small vertical set-up
  • Begin approaching local food businesses for the supply of fresh produce

Profit Margin: 30-50%

17. 3D Printing Service

It is also a Low-Cost Business Ideas that involves a growing demand in the areas of customized manufacturing and rapid prototyping in India. It is simply the process of making three-dimensional objects from digital models by the use of a 3D printer. 

It serves industries ranging from engineering, architecture, healthcare, to education. The scope of specialist printing services is immense as 3D printing technology continues to reach new limits and its versatile uses become more and more expansive.

Skills and tools required:

  • Understanding of the available 3D printing technologies and materials
  • Ability to create 3D models and designs
  • 3D printers, as well as post-processing tools

How to get started:

  • Get a good 3D printing gadget and learn how to use it
  • Get 3D modeling software and master how to use them
  • Start with local businesses and colleges

Profit Margin of 40-60%

18. Drone Services

Low-Cost Business Ideas

Drone services in India highlight a high potential business, riding on the numerous applications that continue to arise on the unmanned aerial vehicles across several industries. It is the service for drone-based aerial photography and videography, land surveying, agricultural monitoring, and the delivery of products. 

With growing acceptance of drone technology across real estate, agriculture, and media production sectors, so does the demand expand for qualified drone operators/professional aerial service.

Skills and tools required:

  • Bn Operating drones and aerial photography
  • Know regulations around drones and safety measures 
  • High-quality drones, software for image processing

How to get started:

  • Get the license and certification required to fly a drone
  • Obtain a professional grade drone and practice flying
  • Start with offering aerial photography services for events or real estate.

Profit Margin: 40-60%

19. Coworking Space Management

Coworking space management is a highly promising Low-Cost Business Idea that is growing with the increasing trend of flexible workspaces and the rise of freelancers and startups. 

This business involves the development and management of shared office-space infrastructure with amenities, networking opportunities, and a professional environment that is provided to small businesses and individuals. 

Today, there are more remote workers than ever before, which has emphasized the need for increased flexibility in working. There is a huge demand for well-designed, community-oriented workspaces.

Skills and tools required:

  • Property management and hospitality skills, office design and ergonomics.
  • High-speed internet infrastructure
  • Office equipment

How to get started:

  •  Secure a suitable location and design an attractive workspace
  • Develop membership plans and community-building strategies
  • Start marketing to freelancers, remote workers, and small businesses in your area

Profit Margin: 30-50%

20. Online Marketplace for Local Artisans

This is an out-of-the-ordinary kind of Low-Cost Business Ideas in India: an online marketplace for local artisans that closes the gap between traditional craftsmanship and the digital economy.

The development of an e-commerce platform where one can source the products directly, through which local artisans and craftspeople link up with a greater customer base as an enabler for the online sale of their handmade products. 

Given burgeoning appreciation for genuine, handmade products, and the compulsion to sustain the work of local artisans, an immense potential for a curated online marketplace exists.

Skills and tools required:

  • Development and management of e-commerce platforms
  •  Digital marketing and use of social media
  •  Understanding of artisan crafts and quality assessment

How to get started:

  • Create a user-friendly e-commerce platform for artisans.
  • Curate the best products from your locally-based artisan sources.
  •  Design a marketing strategy that will attract both craftspersons and customers to the platform

Profit Margin: 20%-40%


Given above are 50 low-cost business ideas that can provide diverse opportunities to entrepreneurs in India. From work-from-home ventures to women-oriented businesses, through student-friendly options to common enterprises, these ideas are bound to suit every skill, interest, as well as market requirement.

 Moving into 2025, such businesses use technology, sustainability, and change in consumer preference to churn out feasible as well as profitable ventures. 

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What are the maximum profit margins among the business ideas?

Generally, ideas like online course creation and mobile app development hit the highest profit margins, ranging between 70 to 90%.

Can I work full time in these businesses?

Most of the mentioned ideas, especially those in the work-from-home and online businesses category, can be done part-time while already working full-time.

What special qualifications are required for these business ideas?

Though some of the ideas require special skills or certifications (personal training, pet grooming), many can be started with basic skills and a drive to learn.

How much initial investment is normally required for these low-cost businesses?

The initial investments range from as little as ₹5,000 to ₹2,00,000, depending upon the nature of business and scale of operation.

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